Category Archives: stock footage & stock photography

Swine flu technology.

On Monday morning, I received a newsletter email from This is a stock graphics website that services the medical community. Sometimes I’ll start the day off at 9:00am with a fresh cup of coffee and a fresh digital image of heart surgery. Yum! This time, the company is serving up Swine Flu graphics, including a giveaway of 3D models of the virus.


Continue reading Swine flu technology.

iLike iStock, mostly.

Digital Anarchy has long been a fan of stock footage. We have used their footage for demoing our products many times over our seven years of business. Recently I have also used the website Mainly this is because Artbeats focuses on video footage, which our company used to use a lot of when we had video products. Now we are a Photoshop-centric company and need still images, and lots of ’em, to show what our products can do.

Continue reading iLike iStock, mostly.